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Armadillidium klugii 'Montenegro'
  • Armadillidium klugii 'Montenegro'

    10 count


    Armadillidium klugii, commonly called the clown isopod due to their bright spots and colored skirting, are a fantastic pet isopod. Slow to start these isopods love a well-ventilated but humid enclosure. They also require a moisture gradient, preferring a moist side and a dry side. If provided with a stable environment suited towards their needs Armadillidium klugii will reproduce well and in no time you will have a clown army.

    Armadillidium should be given lots of leaf litter and wood. Vegetables like carrot, squash and cucumber may be provided. They also appreciate a decent amount of protein; this is most easily achieved with high quality fish food or dried fish/insects. A calcium source should also be provided (eggshell, calcium supplements, cuttlebone, etc.).

    Another fantastic option is Repashy Bug Burger or Morning Wood. Using these as a food source contains all the important vitamins, minerals, proteins, and cellulose isopods crave. But don’t skimp on the leaf litter.

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